WISDRI’s unparalleled strength in power generation found good expression in the successful connection of its gas-fired power generation projects to the Chinese power grids.
2*100MW subcritical ultra-high temperature gas-fired power generation project of Taihang Steel
In early May, 3# generator unit succeeded in connecting to the power grid after WISDRI had accomplished a series of milestones in the power generation project, including boiler water pressure test, plant power supply, boiler ignition, steam turbine running, and grid connection.
BAOWU-ECSteel subcritical power generation project
On April 8th, the EPC project undertaken by WISDRI as the second subcritical gas-fired generator of BAOWU-ECSteel was successfully connected to the power grid. With an annual power generation capacity of 672 million kWh, it will bring about 410 million yuan of economic benefit to Echeng Steel while reducing carbon emissions of 354,000 ton per year.
Power generation project of Guangxi Chiji Steel
In late March, 3# generator unit of the power generation project started to generate electricity, following the successful commissioning of 2# generator in late February. Four sets of subcritical ultra-high temperature gas-fired power generator units, two sets of waste heat power generation units and four 4000m2 natural draft cooling towers are included in the project.
Building on more than two decades of devotion to gas-fired power generation sector, WISDRI has developed and renewed a wide variety of power generation technologies, such as medium-temperature medium-pressure technology, high-temperature high-pressure technology, high-temperature ultra-high pressure technology, subcritical gas power generation technology, and supercritical gas power generation technology, contributing to a surge in power generation efficiency from 25% to over 44%.
At the moment, WISDRI has secured 70% of market share in China’s gas-fired power generation sector, and undertaken overseas power generation projects in Indonesia, Malaysia,etc. The installed capacity of WISDRI’s power generation projects has so far totaled 130 billion kWh per annum, and approx. 76 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions have been reduced accordingly.
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